Interesting Facts About Carpets

Carpets are smooth furnishings which every house owner desires. They put in a lot of comfort and warmth to the houses. A lot of people associate the word 'carpet' with the Middle East and India, though, nowadays there are lots of carpet manufacturers everywhere around the world. It's probably because of 1 of these facts, or might be because in past most carpet makers were in Orienta.

Anyway, listed below are a couple of interesting facts about carpets:

Aladdin's magical flying carpets actually doesn't appear anywhere in the first story about the Arabian Robin Hood. Even though animated version of the story first connects Aladdin with the flying piece of flooring, It is not just a development of Walt Disney, either. The idea of the flying carpet actually goes to the time of the Parthian kingdom, about 130 B.C. It is said that king Phraates has flown on a shutters in the Zagros Mountains to handle his enemy Antiochus VII. He ruined him with lightning and fire.

You've probably been hit by electric shock from the door handle one or more times in your lifetime. It is an unpleasant experience which occurs if you get charged with more electrons. This occurs when a boot sole, as an example, is rubbed into a woollen carpet. Than your system gets billed and the carpet gets discharged, and when you touch the door handle you get down on your carpet by the electric shock. I don't know if I explained it clearly, which I am sorry about.

Perhaps you have wondered how come Hollywood's red carpet red? Well, this kind of carpets was not invented in Hollywood. Their origin time right back from ancient times when it had been a sign of the great approach to welcome your special friends on a red carpet, so that they don't step on the cold, dirty ground. The red carpet was not a carpet initially, although. It was a cloak. It had been an indication of respect in battles when the vanquished disseminate a red cloak for that victor. As it was dyed by the glands of 12 000 murex sea snails this cloak was a valuable possession.

A carpet once changed the history. You probably wonder how? Well, if you have observed about Caesar and Cleopatra, you've probably read the story about the young Egyptian king who visited Julius Caesar covered in a carpet. She was covered, so that she can go through the guards put by her evil brother Ptolemy XIII. Her slave Appollodorus smuggled her in the fortress, to ensure she can speak for the 52-year-old Roman emperor and talk him help her obtain the Egyptian throne.

More information would be found on this article.

The carpet as a 'link.' When we say 'bridge', we usually reference a building which links two pieces of land. In German language the term for bridge also refers to a short distance is bridged by a small rug, which. In some old countries carpets were burial objects, and some experts believe that they were regarded bridges to afterlife.

Do you realize that the most expensive blinds Sydney on the planet charges $34 million? It had been offered on a Sotheby's auction in Sydney to an anonymous buyer. The carpet is in the Kerman region in Iran and is a complete masterpiece.

Interesting details, aren't they? I really hope you will like them.


The Best Carpeting in Sydney


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